There’s a big chance social media influenced your self-evaluation. The majority of the global population (50.64%) uses social media, so take that or leave it, it’s part of our lives now. From collaborating to exploring, researching, and networking, social media offers a range of benefits. The list goes on and on, and like anything good, social media has its downsides. 

What is social media capable of doing to your self-esteem? 

Researchers haven’t proven a direct causative connection between social media and mental health but links have been found between the increasing rate of depression and low self-esteem with high usage of social media, and this is common among teenagers. 

Social Comparison

The simple mechanism here is the comparison and as humans, we have the tendency naturally to compare ourselves with other people, evaluate ourselves based on such criteria, and then crush our self-esteem because the feeling of inferiority sets in most times. I mentioned in an earlier post that no matter how strong, rich or smart you think you are, there would always be someone better, so do yourself good by setting your own goals and outlining success for yourself.

Nobody’s life is as perfect as their Instagram feed and self-evaluation based on such unrealistic criteria could be damaging.

Do you know something else social comparison could do to you? 

Drive your behavior, yes, and this might explain how social media breeds negative behavior. 

Research has shown that social comparison is the most powerful reason associated with negative behaviors, such as suicidal thoughts and depression. Comparing yourself with other people is bad, not healthy, and it ruins your self-esteem.

If you think money can buy happiness, you need to STOP IT, money cannot buy happiness. Success is not an event, it’s a process, don’t question aspects of your life based on some unrealistic media posts because social media only shows highlights of peoples’ lives, and masks the scenes that entail the frustrations and struggles. Apart from the oxygen we all breathe, the one thing we all have in common as humans is the adversity and struggles of life.

Nobody has a perfect life. Just as how normal it feels for everyone, well everyone I know at least, to have this weird feeling after watching a movie, it’s normal to compare yourself with others but it’s not alright to conclude based on your comparisons.

A tip to overcome social comparison is to have a heart of gratitude. Be grateful for everything you have and you are because gratitude beats comparison. 

Social media is training us to compare our lives, instead of appreciating everything we are. No wonder why everyone is always depressed.



Sometimes we think twice before posting that video or photo and in the end, we might end up not posting it. Will the people like it? It has to be perfect, right? No matter how good your idea sounds, beautiful you or your voice is, you cannot get everyone to flow with you.

Letting a few hate comments get to you will only either stop you from doing what you love or just ruin your self-esteem. Even the best, nicest, most popular, richest people have haters! Don’t let it get to you and also, don’t be a hater. 

An external locus of identity is unhealthy and yet the very thing social media encourages in those with low self esteem.

Sam Owen


There is the pressure that comes with social media and the younger generation, especially with trying to keep up with the latest trends, events, and gossip. Why this is a problem is because society has already set a standard, and many people are finding it so difficult to tread their path and not follow the crowd. Who wants to be the outcast? 


There is a problem with social media because of its addictive nature. Go to social gatherings, churches, and public places everyone’s on their phones mindlessly scrolling through never-ending feeds that create stress, and because of this, the apps are no longer serving their original purpose of creating positive communication and interaction links among people. 

Besides, we know excessive use of social media causes strong negative emotions such as sadness, jealousy, and even embarrassment so don’t be a social media freak, it only ruins your mental health. 


Social media can help you build a healthy self-esteem

Yes, you can use social media to learn about mental health, self-esteem, and how you can help other others, just as you are doing now. You can also use social media to create awareness, just as we’re doing on all our social media pages

Now that you’ve learned what social media is capable of let’s discuss how you can keep healthy self-esteem and positive attitude. Here are some tips:

  • The competition is against you. This way you define success for yourself and lay off others’ measures for success. Pursue your crazy ideas and succeed at them.

  • You are the boss of your social media accounts. Choose who you follow and also unfollow every account that makes you feel you need to be someone else. 

  • Don’t base confidence on your looks only. Unleash your inner confidence, and be resilient!

  • Learn to understand the reality of other people’s lives. Money can’t buy happiness!

  • Embrace your imperfections, do you have to be hard on yourself?

  • Ask yourself “am I posting to get likes or for authenticity?

  • Take frequent breaks from social media, we all need it.

  • Also, ask yourself “How am I reacting to social media posts?

  • If you still think money can buy happiness, please seek professional help or reach out 

Thanks for reading!

The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel

Steven Furtick


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  1. Wow,this is great I love it so much,very touching and educative,keep it up my lovely aburo mi dada,u wil surely get to the top in Jesus name,your glory wil surely shine dear,ur uncle Kenny really enjoying your beautiful write up,God wil answer our prayer…all the God plan that will make ur life to be special to the whole world,I pray God almighty wil sure arrange it very well for u in Jesus name…!am glad bcz since I started this job dt am doing now na stress day and night…no rest at all so dt I can’t be able to write like before again but I appreciate u so much that I have u as my blood that use to do it once in a tym dear…God is fully support u dear…send my regards to ur siblings..and ur dad and mum

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