12 Affirmations to keep Doubts away.

It is normal to experience self-doubt at certain times in our lives, especially when faced with challenges. Sometimes, we all feel uncertain about our abilities or actions, and it holds us back most times.

I’d love to talk about self-doubt but not in this blog. 

First, I’d like to introduce you to 12 positive affirmations. Tell yourself these things, clear your doubts.

1. I am worthy of all my desires.

2. My ideas are worth listening to.

3.I’m grateful for everything that I have.

4.My mistakes do not define me.

5.I am worthy of my success.

6.Look at me! I love who I am.

7.I have incredible potential.

8.I’m God’s work of art.

9.Everyone is different. I don’t have to fit in.

10.I can reach my goals.

11.Other people’s actions/words cannot define me.

12.I’m not perfect; Nobody is!

Now let’s practice something, write all these affirmations on small pieces of paper, and take one out with you everyday. At the end of each day you can give it out to somebody, then watch their reaction after reading it. 

Have a wonderful Day!

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